Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Then and Now: the Aldine Theater, 19th and Chestnut, Philadelphia

Sorry about the long break; I was away from the computer traveling up the East Coast for a week. I'll start writing more as soon as I can. Promise. In the meantime, here's a quick then and now:


The corner of 19th and Chestnut certainly had a lot more pizazz in the '20s, back when movie palaces thrived throughout the city. The other renown theater on Chestnut street, the Boyd, has been awaiting restoration and development for years, though plans are in the works to incorporate it into a new hotel complex. Even though the current occupant of what was once the Aldine may not be particularly exciting, the building remains at the very least functional and well-preserved on the exterior. Plus, nowadays a film like The Singing Fool would be somewhat politically incorrect...to put it very lightly.

More on the Aldine [ PhillyHistory ]
New hope for the Boyd [ Philadelphia Inquirer]

Original Photo: Gee, William A. “Public Works -26141-0-A.” 1928. Philadelphia City Archives. Phillyhistory.org. Philadelphia Department of Records. 20 Oct. 2008. http://www.phillyhistory.org/PhotoArchive/MediaStream.ashx?mediaId=37947

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